
A couple of awesome married folks, since January 13th, 2007.


This photo & photo of our wedding flowers in the header by Kelly Jackson Photography.

(That first part was written by Andy. But we are awesome, it’s true.)

Now we are even more awesome, as we’ve been blessed with two amazing sons, that we completely adore.


Photo by Gracenote Photography

Andy does awesome web-tech stuff for a cool company here in KC. (I could try to explain it, but I don’t really know how.)  I (Angie) am a stay at home mom, formerly a full time occupational therapist, who has dabbled in home businesses (and still toys with the ideas) in baking/cake decorating and handwriting tutoring. I know. My interests are diverse. 🙂 Prior to and in the beginning of our marriage, I spent years in youth and music ministries, and did some public speaking/youth conference ministry. At the moment, my primary focus is my three year old and one year old, and that is plenty!  But, after several years not doing much ministry, I’ve got lots pent up inside, and it’s bursting to get out!

This blog may be a little bit of everything. Because at this point, my brain has a little bit of everything going on inside. Expect posts on homemaking, relationships, thoughts on parenting (I say thoughts, because at this point, I cannot in any way say I have it figured out), food/nutrition/health, baking (maybe), crafting (I just learned to sew and I can’t stop!), and every other pent up thought about womanhood that is swirling around in this tired-momma brain. 🙂

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